Medical Translation


Medical Translation Services

As a professional translation agency, Liberty Consulting provides high-quality multilingual translations to the world's leading companies in the medical sector.

Liberty Consulting enables the pharmaceutical and medical device industries to present, among other things, complex international clinical studies, clinical trial documentation (informed consents, trial reports, protocols, marketing authorisations, CRO contracts, etc.) translated accurately and on time.

Are you looking for a translation agency for your translation projects in the medical sector? Look no further, we'll be with you every step of the way!


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Our medical expertise

In answer to the ever growing need for accurate, specialist translation services for pharmaceutical groups and medical establishments, Liberty Consulting, a specialist in medical translation, has built an international network of specialist translators, that have been rigorously selected for their expertise in the medical domain such as : doctors, clinicians, biologists, chemists, bio-technicians, researchers, etc.

All our medical translations are carried out by experts in the field  in all domains using a high level of linguistic and cultural knowledge.

All our experts translate into their mother tongue and in line with their knowledge of good working practices, while respecting the requirements of each individual country.

Liberty Consulting, experts in translation, ensure proof-reading is carried out under the same conditions, by other specialist language teams in the field.

Thus, your translation project, entrusted exclusively to doctors, chemists, pharmacists, biologists, researchers and proofread by linguists, will be the best vector for your brand and your products internationally.


The client: at the heart of our philosophy

The quality of our medical translations, provided by our expert medical and clinical-chemical translators and our 20 years of experience, enables us to meet all your requirements by adapting the translation to the target audience.

Liberty Consulting's expertise involves associating the best professional translators for your medical translation and guaranteeing you a high quality professional translation that meets regulatory, technical, safety and confidentiality standards.


In order to meet efficiency and quality requirements, we use certified translation software (not to be confused with machine translation tools).


In addition, our certified translation software ensures terminology consistency while significantly reducing costs.



Nos clients témoignent

Anaïs T .
Service médical des affaires réglementaires - Suisse

Je vous remercie pour la traduction de ce document, je tiens également à vous remercier pour l’incroyable gentillesse et professionnalisme dont vous faites preuve ainsi que pour votre disponibilité. C’est toujours un plaisir de collaborer avec vous. 


Julie B. 
Chef de projet médical - France

J'ai revu les documents traduits qui sont d'une qualité très satisfaisante. 


Raphaël G.
Directeur de projet médical - France

Je tiens à vous remercier ainsi que vos équipes pour ce travail rapide.

Nos services vous intéressent ?

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Vous pouvez également contacter notre équipe pour plus d’informations sur les services de notre agence dans la traduction. +33 (0)2 96 61 38 42 | :